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Faith Building Evidence demonstrates that faith in Jesus as the Son of God is a rational life choice based on the evidence.

1 Peter 3:15
 “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

Is There Evidence For The Resurrection?

The Resurrection of Jesus is central to Christianity. If False, so too is Christianity.  However, if True, Christianity is also true. Either way, it is too important to ignore. 

Download this free pdf that provides 95 evidences for the Resurrection of Jesus. 

Want To Know What's Inside?

January: Evidence from the Patriarchs to the Conquest of Canaan (2nd m. BCE).
FebruaryPaces and events confirmed during the 1st millennium BCE.

MarchPeople confirmed from the 1st millennium BCE.

April: Old Testament prophecies fulfilled prior to Jesus.

MayExtra-biblical and early biblical evidence of Jesus’ existence. 

JuneThe integrity of the New Testament Cannon and its’ manuscripts. 

JulyNew Testament people, places, and things confirmed by history.

August: The uniqueness of Jesus’ parables and sayings.

SeptemberThe uniqueness of Jesus’ claims and miracles.

OctoberOld Testament Messianic prophecies fulfilled by Jesus. 

NovemberHistorical evidence for the Passion Week narrative. 

DecemberAnswering the critics: Atheists, Skeptics, Jews, and Muslims.

Testimonial about 'Faith Building Evidence'

Gary R. Habermas,
Distinguished Research Professor of Apologetics, Liberty University

“It only takes a minute to enjoy meditations that make you think. Doug Schofield provides a practical resource to learn Christian truths daily.”

8 Ways 'Faith Building Evidence' Will Strengthen Your Faith

The Heel of Jehohanan. Discovered in 1968 in East Jerusalem with a Roman spike wedged into the heel. It refutes the claim of some that crucified bodies were thrown into the ditch to rot or be eaten by dogs

1. Remove your doubts by grounding your faith in confirmed historical facts.
2. Build trust in the accuracy of the Bible.
3. Trust that the right ‘gospels’ got into the New Testament.
4. Discover how modern science supports biblical truth.
5. Learn how modern medical science confirms Jesus’ death on the cross.
6. Share with confidence Jesus’ resurrection through 50 historical evidences?
7. Be able to share more effectively with skeptical family members and friends.
8. Learn how archeology has confirmed people & events previously mocked!


  “If you want bite-size, daily historical evidence that presents the case for the reliability of Scripture and Jesus’ claims of divinity, then I recommend Schofield’s ‘Faith Building Evidence.’ “

Josh McDowell, Author of New Evidence That Demands A Verdict

  “Day by day, the reader will reflect on historical evidence that not only suggests the veracity of the biblical record but provides confidence in its trustworthiness. Schofield has mined the research very well and leaves us with an appetite to dig deeper.”

Dr. Harry Gardner, Past President Acadia Divinity College

The story of Israel, the story of Jesus, and the story of the early church are situated in history, not fantasy. A full understanding of the Christian faith and the message of the scriptures requires placing it in its historic, social, and geographic locations. Schofield’s book introduces readers to these important background items in a novel approach, guiding the readers through a year of learning. Readers will come away with a deeper appreciation of their Bibles and their faith!

Dr. Danny Zacharias, Associate Professor New Testament Studies, ADC

Your Daily Dose


Faith Building Evidence is written to demonstrate that faith in Jesus as the Son of God is a rational life choice, based on current historical and archeological evidence. It provides evidence for doubters and tools to equip Christians to “Always be prepared to give an answer…for the hope that you have.” (1 Peter 3:15)

Faith Building Evidence in Hardcover: $43.95

Faith Building Evidence Paperback: $30.95

Faith Building Evidence Ebook: $9.99

Now Available! Frustrated With Faith

What Frustrates You About Christianity?

Are you frustrated with the hypocrisy of some Christians or the response to serious questions to ‘just accept by faith?


As a Christian are you frustrated by unanswered prayer or just the difficulty of staying faithful to “the Faith”?


Do you have questions about how can a good God allow pain and suffering?


How can Christians claim that Jesus is the only way to peace with God?

FWF Cover

Why is there a disconnect between what Christianity teaches and what some Christians do? Is peace with God even possible? ‘Frustrated With Faith’  was written to address these issues in an honest, open analysis of how and why this is often not the case, and to offer a practical guide to developing Peace with God. 

Verified by
5.0 out of 5 stars Wow! Promises Kept!

Retired teacher makes amazing promises about finding deep spiritual truths, available to anyone who will look. In this little book, Doug Schofield seems to not want his readers to be surprised by what they can find between these covers. So he makes promises to the skeptical and spiritually frustrated: (You can know peace with God, you can understand the how and why of unanswered prayer, pain and suffering and unChristlike Christians.) Who is NOT frustrated with that stuff? Doug Schoffield has produced a very practical, boldly biblical, personal and vulnerable, readable and orderly tool and manual for changing hearts and minds for Jesus.WOW!

….Rev. Paul Stade: retired pastor/missionary: spiritual choices influencer and forever things mentor.

4.0 out of 5 stars A Fantastic Resource

This book is a useful tool I recommend wholeheartedly for non-believers, new believers and church folks alike. It will certainly be part of my own practice of sharing the Good News and for training up new believers. While referencing a number of great works, ‘Frustrated with Faith’ concisely frames much that is essential and useful extremely well. The book is a positive contribution for ‘The Church’ and a timely tool for missions within the Canadian context.

Schofield is gracious and balanced in his brief overview of church history and the human condition insomuch that it could be used further to foster interdenominational dialogue and understanding.
– Rev. John Andrew

5.0 out of 5 stars A Helpful Primer on Christian Belief & Living!

A compact 150 page guide, divided into 12 short, yet packed chapters (N.B. I just received this review copy).
Douglas Schofield’s new book will appeal to sincere inquirers who are questioning the existence of God, teachings and claims of Jesus Christ, and the validity of the Bible.

It is also addressed to new and existing Christian believers. Those struggling with such prevalent issues as: the problem of God and evil, pain & suffering, sharing their faith confidently, and achieving more steady progress in their spiritual journey, with help from the Father, Son & Holy Spirit.

A reasonably priced volume at 12.99 US/14.99 CDN and a very useful addition to any library or personal bookshelf.
~ Rev. David Cumby, M.L.S, M.Div (retired pastor, and former public librarian).